Catalina produced by ProteKt© Word., takes place in Guatemala, NY, and California.  Catalina is from Guatemala. She is also the character designed after my native Guatemalan mother. Catalina is a limited mini series centered around her, her daughter and the women who are the backbone of the United States of Americas' economy. But, she and her country's subjects depend on the support of family to keep their rich history and stories alive.

All photography provided by Mildred Brignoni


the limited mini series produced by ProteKt© in association with WORD.©

P-R-O-T-E-K-T {K stands for (K'ATUN) }© 

Seven Letters - and the history of my mother’s journey escaping orphanage in guatemala to the us.

My story shared through three generations. Catalina© started as a personal journey I documented while backpacking across Central America. From curious to serious, my awareness surrounding family and economics led to writing about the dynamics of social/ political and cultural identities while uncovering my roots. Thus, this self discovery became the scripted narrative Catalina©

Protekt© word.© productions reveals a complicated history and sometimes unspoken set of conversations of immigrants from 3rd world countries such as guatemala.  our story “catalina” is based on my own life's journey. the goal is to bring promise and hope to future generations of latino americans here in the USa.  

catalina was my inspiration - she was also my mother.

this is an opportunity to bring pride to american Hispanic Heritage. and, level up the working class americans towards social good.  our unsung heroS are our women ENTREPRENEURS from guatemala,

ProteKt Tejadora

News on catalina produced by protekt word.

Your support allows us to connect people and create partnerships around the world.  We need partners that are willing to tell the positive side of the story of our Latinos in the US. We want investors that want to show the world that we are more than service personnel.  We want to start by sharing our story as an American story. 

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